February 2024
Hello Qulting Friends,
Have you been hibernating like I have been. This winter I have been at the sewing machine or sitting under a quilt as I hand finish a binding. New fabrics have arrived at Corner Curve Quilts and I want to share them with you. A couple new 108" wide backings came today. So I decided to put all wide backings at 20% off for today, Friday 2/23/2024, only, The sale includes the new fabric. It is only good for in stock fabric. The first backing is great for the guy quilts you have been working on. It is all gears in greys, black and white. Click here to shop for this backiing fabric.
The next wide backing is a fun novelty print called Sewing Motifs Allover. It is outlined drawing of sewing notions and machines in black with a cream background. This 100% cotton fabric is 108" wide. Click here to shop for this backing fabric.
Did you know 1 yard of 108" wide backing fabric is about the same as 2.5 yards of 42" wide fabric. Keep that in mind when you are needing background fabric for your next project.
Does your quilt guild have vendors at meetings? I would be glad to provide a pop up shop at your meeting. If you need a speaker I can help your program for a night with a trunk show or a talk. My workshops are fun and use my patterns. Let me know the dates of your next guild quilt show, because I would like to be a vendor.
During this winter hibernation, have you completed several quilt tops that need to be quilted? I do long arm free motion quilting starting at $0.02/ square inch for a simple meander and the price goes up from there.
Remember the shop is always open 24/7 on line or by appointment. www.cornercurvequilts.com
Until next time, let's go sew.
As Always,
Michelle Tuller
Corner Curve Quilts LLC