2023 Free Mystery Quilt Along

Hello Quilting Friends,
I am excited to announce the 2023 Free Mystery Quilt - Amber. Click here to sign up for the free weekly clues starting February 16, 2023. The event will last 6 weeks. This quilt can be made with just a few fabrics or as many as desired. For example the 3 yards of white background could be 6 half yard cuts, 12 fat quarters or as many white fabrics as you want. The Kimberbell's white on white bundle has 10 fat quarters, click here to shop. Add a couple more fat quarters to get the needed white yardage. Kits will include enough fabric for the quilt top. Kits will be made as requested and will cost $98.00. Please email by February 4, 2023 for a kit. After that date, kits can still be ordered, but might not ship before the start of the Mystery Quilt event. So gather your fabrics, change the needle in your machine and the blade in your rotary cutter. Let's get ready to make another beautiful quilt.

The shop has been slowly growing bolt by bolt. So I have decided to do another open house on Saturday, February 28, 2023 from 9:00am until 12:00 noon. I will also be open by appointment and always open online. Click here to shop and check out the new fabrics. There will be some deals on line too. So make sure to stop by and shop online or in person next weekend. My address is: 6544 Stevensville Baroda Road, Stevensville, MI 49127. come to the second side door (with the snowman wind sock on it). If you have questions, you may call or text my cell phone 731-225-6542.
I am also booking speaking engagements, workshops and quilt shows for this year. Please email cornercurvequilts@gmail.com for availability.
Until next time, let's go sew.
As Always,
Michelle Tuller
Corner Curve Quilts LLC